How's this for a change of pace?... Army C-rations...!
Yesterday was Veterans Day, and I was remembering how delicious C-rations could be when I was out on maneuvers in the German winter (1968-69). Even though of course it was basically crap, it's amazing how good crap can taste when you're desperate for food.
I wonder if they still make C-rations. Last month, when the financial collapse was taking place, I was thinking that it might not be a bad idea to keep a couple months worth of food on hand. C-rations came to mind.
My breakfast this morning: 2 slices of millet bread with cashew-butter and jelly, and a bowl of blueberries.
hooray, uncle howard! 10 days to go! i'm so proud of you & jerry for doing this. i've wanted to do a cleanse/detox for awhile, but i was pregnant & now breastfeeding. but we did eat vegan for awhile just before i was pregnant with heron, & we'd never felt better. good food does wonders.
It's been an interesting experience, and i do feel good (except for the hunger and the cravings!), but not sure how much of this i will stick with. Too many temptations out there in the world! We'll see! :-)
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